To further promote and advance behavioural development research, ISSBD is proud to have sponsored over 20 regional workshops worldwide to date. Cooper and Verma’s historical overview of ISSBD regional workshops is available to read, here.
ISSBD Regional Workshop, Gramado, Brazil, 2007
Guidelines for Workshop Proposals
ISSBD sponsors regional workshops regularly. Typically, these are proposed to introduce scholars to new methods, updates of substantive research areas, and reviews of given topics. Participants include early career scholars from developing and under-developed countries. Participants are drawn from the majority of the world and other regions of the globe (Western Europe, North America). In such cases, the goal is to introduce early career scholars from different regions to promote equity, unity and collaboration.
Workshops typically last 3-6 days. Senior researchers usually deliver formal addresses and lead discussion groups. Early career scholars may present posters or short papers on topics related to the Workshop theme. The venue for proposed Workshops varies. A Workshop immediately precedes or follows the ISSBD Biennial Meetings.
Workshops are also regularly held in Africa, Asia, Eastern and Western Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, and North America.
ISSBD has set a budget to support its Workshop series. Additional support should be generated by writing proposals to local sources (e.g., institutional support), local governments, and supportive Foundations.
About six months after the regional workshop, ISSBD expects the organizers to submit a report on the workshop, which should include a budget expenditure report.
Submission Guidelines :
Submission deadlines: March 15th and September 15th
The workshop proposal must be submitted to the President a minimum of six months before the scheduled date.
The proposal will be reviewed by the Regional Workshop Committee and any other members the President may invite.
ISSBD will support up to two Workshops per year
Preference will be given to a new region/city where a workshop has yet to be held.
The host organizer must be an ISSBD member.
Selection Criteria:
Title: Does the topic reflect regional relevance and priorities?
Objectives: Are they clear and attainable? Are the ISSBD membership goals included in the proposal?
Participants: Are the selection criteria transparent? Do they address regional representativeness? Do they represent the relevant, regional, and diverse (disciplinary and methodological) expertise and capacity related to the workshop topic?
Conceptual background: Is it stated clearly and linked to the workshop purpose in the proposal and reflected in the program?
Program format and content: Is the format interactive and participatory? Does it provide opportunities to collaborate and network? Does the content of the program fulfil the objectives? Does the program foster capacity development of early career scholars (such as building competencies, knowledge and learning, dissemination)
Resource persons: Does the program include resource persons with regional expertise?
Workshop outcomes: Has the workshop increased ISSBD membership? Are there clear short—and long-term impacts of the workshop, and is there a follow-up action plan?
How to submit the proposal:
Log in to the member website and follow the instructions on the Submissions Menu to complete the submission process.
1991USA, Michigan – Organizer: Harold W. Stevenson
1991USA, Pennsylvania – Organizer: Richard Lerner
1991USA, Washington, DC – Organizers: Patricia M. Greenfield, Rodney Cocking
Regional Workshop, Nairobi, Kenya, 2015.
1994 Beijing workshop, participants discussing a seminar.9th ISSBD Africa Regional Workshop, 2011.
Graduate Student Summer Institute held in July, 1987 at the Academia Sinica in Beijing. The faculty is pictured in the second row, left to right, Harold Stevenson; unknown; Kees van Lieshout; Bill Hartup; Warner Schaie; Franz Weinert; Sandra Scarr; Robert Seigler; Paul Baltes; and Liu Fan.