We are pleased to present the below archive of the ISSBD Bulletin, available for you to browse. If you do not already have Adobe Acrobat reader (required to access the archived Bulletins) you can download it here . Please note, some of the files are large and may take some time to download.
Issue 1: Early Personality and Later Development: Basic Research and Its Application
Issue 2: Research on Cognitive Development Across the Life Span
Issue 1: Quantitative and qualitative methods of cross-cultural research
Issue 2: Ethics in Developmental Science
Issue 1: Research on LGBTQ+ Youth
Issue 2: Refugees’ Lives: Basic and Applied Research on Displaced Persons
Issue 1: Providing Expertise, Context, and Infrastructure to Promote Mental Health in Humans
Issue 2: Digital Interventions
Issue 1: Postpartum Depression
Issue 2: Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic for Human Development
Issue 1: To the 50th Anniversary of ISSBD
Issue 2: Developmental Research in Africa and Beyond: A Focus on Bame Nsamenang’s Scientific Contribution
Issue 1: Dynamic Systems Approach
Issue 2: Addictions: Special Focus – Internet/Social Media
Issue 1: New Avenues for Developmental Science and its Application
Issue 2: The Role of Sports in Human Development
Issue 1: Successful Aging
Issue 2: The Prevention of Depression from Childhood to Adolescence
Issue 1: Illicit Substance Use in Adolescence and Adulthood
Issue 2: Children With Special Needs: Autism
Issue 1: Emotion Regulation Across the Life Span
Issue 2: Advances in Studying Cognition in Early Childhood
Issue 1: Introduction to New Directions in Early Attachment Research
Issue 2: Qualitative Research Methods
Issue 1: Neuroscience and its Influence on Studying Human Development
Issue 2: Contexts of Parenting
Issue 1: Dealing with Stress, Adversities, and Trauma: Resiliency Research across Cultures.
Issue 2: Intersections between Research and Social Policy
Issue 1: Innovative Approaches to Longitudinal Data Analyses
Issue 2: Mobility, Migration, and Acculturation
Issue 1: Social Change and Human Development
Issue 2: Intergenerational Relationships: Grandparenting
We are pleased to present the below archive of the ISSBD Newsletter, available for you to browse.
Issue 1: Qualities of Romantic Relationships in Adolescents and Adults
Issue 2: The Roles of Media and Interactive Technologies in Development
Issue 1: Biopsychosocial approaches to studying the development of aggression
Issue 2: Sport and Physical Activity as Developmental Contexts
Issue 1: Culture and the Development of Emotions
Issue 2: Research on Interventions Targeting the Promotion of Positive Development
Issue 1: Sociocultural Perspectives on Cognitive Development
Issue 2: Longitudinal Research on Human Development: Approaches, Issues and New Directions
Issue 1: Theory of Mind: Future Directions
Issue 2: Research on Friendship Among Children and Adolescents: Findings, Problems and Future Directions
Issue 1: The Brain Factor in Understanding Psychological Development
Issue 2: Immigration and Adjustment from a Developmental Perspective
Issue 1: Aging and Close Relationships
Issue 2: Aggression and Violence in Youth
Issue 1: Culture and Parenting
Issue 2: Child Rights and Well-being
Issue 1: Indigenous Approaches to Developmental Research
Issue 2: The Transition to Adulthood in Socio-cultural Context
Issue 1: Research and Teaching Gerontology in a Lifespan Perspective
Issue 2: Developmental Psychology in Post-Mandela South Africa
Issue 1: TIMSS Mathematics and Science Achievement in International Comparison
Issue 2: Editor’s Report (July 1997 to May 1998)