ISSBD Welcomes the Incoming President-Elect, Executive Committee Members, and Early Career Scholar Representatives.

We are delighted to announce exciting news from our biennial meeting in Lisbon, Portugal. Following a successful election held a few months ago, Luc Goossens, our Secretary General, revealed the results during our recent Business and Awards Meeting. We extend our warm congratulations to the new President-Elect, Members of the Executive Committee (EC), and Early Career Scholars Representatives to the EC listed below. The incoming president will serve as President-Elect from 2024 to 2026 and will then continue as President from 2026 to 2030.

President-Elect (2024-2030)

Frosso Motti

Frosso Motti-Stefanidi is a Professor of Psychology at the Department of Psychology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She received her B.A., Suma Cum Laude, and her Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota. She has received the Distinguished International Alumni Award from the College of Education and Human Development of the University of Minnesota and the 2022 ISSBD (International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development) Award for Distinguished Contributions to the International Advancement of Research and Theory in Behavioural Development. She has been awarded Fellow Status by the American Association for Psychological Science (2010) and by ISSBD (2022).
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She is the 2022 Chen Yidan Global Fellow of the Graduate School of Education, Harvard University. She was President of the European Association of Personality Psychology (EAPP, 2008-2010), President of the European Association of Developmental Psychology (EADP, 2013-2015), President of the International Consortium of Developmental Societies of Psychology (International Consortium of Developmental Science Societies, ICDSS, 2020-2022) and member of the Governing Council of the American Society for Developmental Psychology (Society for Research in Child Development, SRCD, 2015-2021).
She is now a member of the Governing Council of ISSBD. In 2017, she organized on behalf of ISSBD, together with Katariina Salmela-Aro, University of Helsinki, Finland, and Ingrid Schoon, University College London, UK, a Regional Workshop on the topic of Positive Youth Development in Times of Social Change. In 2020, she organized the 26th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (ISSBD), which was canceled due to the COVID pandemic. In 2022, she was entrusted by ISSBD again to organize its 26th Biennial Meeting, which took place on the Island of Rhodes, Greece.
Professor Motti-Stefanidi studies the adaptation and resilience of adolescent immigrants and refugees through a risk and resilience developmental lens. She has presented the social policy implications of her work at different Working Groups of the European Parliament and at conferences organized by NGOs interested in the adaptation of migrant and refugee youth.

Executive Committee Members (2024-2030)

Cinzia di Dio

Cinzia received her doctorate (PhD) in Neuroscience from the University of Parma, where she has researched neurocognitive studies related to social cognition, motor system, and aesthetic experience. She is an Associate Professor at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (UCSC), Milan, Faculty of Education, Theory of Mind Research Unit. She mainly engages in psychological and psychophysiological research in social competence and decision-making processes in the human-human and human-robot interaction from a life-span perspective. Research activities involve collaborations with national and international institutions.

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Since 2018, she has been a Member of the Board of Lecturers of the Doctorate in Personal and Educational Sciences (UCSC), a member of the Ethics Committee for Psychological Research (CERPS), and serves as secretary. Since 2020, she has been a member of the Selection Committee for the PhD program Science of Person and Education. Since 2022, she has been co-head of the Research Unit of Psychology and Robotics in the Life Cycle (UCSC). Currently, she is also a Member of the Board of Lecturers of the National Doctoral Program in Artificial Intelligence, University of Pisa

Since 2016, she has been a Member of the ISSBD, and in 2020, she was appointed as the Early Career Scholars Representative and then a member of the Executive Board. Also,  in 2021, she was appointed as a member of the Communication Committee, the Membership Committee, and part of the Scientific Committee for ISSBD Biennial Meeting 2022. Since 2017, she has been a Fellow of the Italian Association of Psychology (AIP), Developmental and Educational Psychology Section.

René Veenstra

René is a full Professor of sociology at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands and an expert in research on social networks, peer influence, and bullying. He served as an associate editor of the Journal of Research on Adolescence (2010-2016) and as the director of the Interuniversity Center of Social Science Theory and Methodology (ICS; 2014-2023).

He is a member of the steering committee of GUTS (Growing Up Together in Society), funded by the Ministry of Science with 22 million euros. This 10-year program (2023-2032) has the ambition to examine optimal opportunities for young people, both for themselves and for the current and future society.

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He has strong links with ISSBD since 2004. In that year, the conference was held in Ghent, Belgium. At that conference, he met Christina Salmivalli for the first time, which led to a long-term collaboration (14 papers together) and a visiting professorship at the University of Turku, Finland (2007-2012). He published three first-authored articles in our society’s journal, the International Journal of Behavioral Development (IJBD). In 2022, he edited a special issue on social norms for the journal.

In 2020, he received the ISSBD Fellowship status for my sustained outstanding contributions to the field of international lifespan human development. In 2022, he gave an ISSBD preconference workshop on The Prominent Role of Peers across Diverse Behaviors. In 2024, he gave a keynote at the ISSBD meeting in Lisbon, Portugal.

Pamela Wadende

Pamela is a senior lecturer of Developmental Psychology at Kenya’s Kisii University, School of Education and Human Resource Development, where she teaches and supervises graduate students from East Africa and other parts of the world.

She has been the ISSBD Kenya country coordinator since 2016 after having been actively involved as a membership drive and local chapter activity coordinator since 2014. As a Kenya ISSBD coordinator, she and her team organized a successful virtual African regional workshop in 2021 during restricted movement due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Currently, I am a member of the Publications, Membership, and Communication Committees of ISSBD.

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She is also the co-director of the ISSBD/Jacobs Foundation African professional development fellowship that brings together 10 fellows from different African countries for professional development opportunities. I have attended many ISSBD events since I joined the society. Currently, I am a reviewer for the United Kingdom Research and Innovation (UKRI), UK.

She is interested in how human beings acquire and change behavior across the lifespan, and she believes environmental factors heavily shape developmental outcomes. Interventions aimed at improving the human condition needs to target individual environments and experiences. One of her current research foci is creating child-friendly preschool environments and experiences in rural areas of Africa. She has been awarded a Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) grant to complete one of these projects in rural Kenya and Zambia.

Early Career Scholar Representatives (2024-2028)

Tripti Kathuria

Tripti Kathuria, graduated with a Ph.D. in Human Development and Family Studies from Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, India, in 2020. She has been a member of ISSBD since 2007 and has been actively participating in Biennial meetings.

As an early career scholar, she has supported ISSBD India membership and helped organize an international conference on ‘Human Development in a Globalizing World: Perspectives from South and South-East Asia’ held in collaboration with ISSBD India in 2019.

Trpti’s Ph.D. and postdoctoral experience has allowed her to collaborate internationally with early career scholars (graduate students) in the USA. Her mentors, Prof. Shagufa and Prof. Wolfgang, are active members and coordinators of different academic societies. Under their mentorship, she learned to network, take up roles (membership, peer reviews for abstracts, symposium participation) in international conferences and connect with early career scholars from Africa, and the USA.

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Her research has instilled in a strong background in studying development in varied contexts and teaches respect for diversity. One of her intentions is to advocate increasing diversity within the regional chapters of ISSBD. Her experience of working in cross-cultural teams as part of her Ph.D. and postdoc group has given her the confidence to engage and communicate with early career scholars from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Marvin Kapenda

Marvin Kapenda is an experienced Teaching Specialist with a demonstrated history of working in higher education. His educational background is in Psychology, from The University of Zambia. He regularly engages in ISSBD regional and biennial meetings and activities, which helps him understand the underlying requirements of the academic and professional communities and to come up with ideas to support collaborative efforts.

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Marvin will support educational and scholarship activities, and communicate up-to-date information about ISSBD activities to ISSBD early career scholars as he has the ability to establish connections with professors, graduate students, and professional growth networks with ease.
